So... I have been knitting almost daily for almost 4 years. This has resulted in a bit of stuff. I will start with the stuff I took pictures of when I finished it, and I have on my hard drive, that way I don't have to get up off my ass and actually photograph something. Let's see...
This is one of a pair of socks I did last year I think. I got the ruffle pattern out of a book called 101 Designer One Skein Wonders, the yarn is Socks That Rock in the colorway called Peek a Boo Peony. I happen to think these are the cutest socks ever. The ruffle looks super cute peeking out of the leg of my jeans. End of story.
Oh, I made this shawl last year too. It is my first shawl, my first project in which I tackled the dreaded yarn over. Now, yarn overs are easy but when you drop a stitch and there is a yarn over involved it results in swearing and having to unknit for a week trying to get back to where you screwed it up. Because it has to be perfect because it has been entered into the fair. Which it won a blue ribbon at. If there had been a blue ribbon for swearing I would have won that too.
These are 2 different socks. The one on the right is in Mountain Colors I think the colorway is Portland something. The one on the left still needs its mate to be knit. I knit it as a test to see if I could do a more complicated pattern because I had signed up for Sock Wars and needed to know how to knit something more that stockinette. One of these days I will make the other one. I fact, now that I think about it, I may whip up the other one and enter them into the fair!
These are just plain socks but the yarn has a story behind it. Last spring over at Gonzaga there was a weaving thing going on. There was a small marketplace there and I fell in love with this yarn from Newton's Yarn Country. It was a big skein, I made socks and the shawl above from it. It was $52.00! So I was hugging the yarn and telling it that I was sorry but I could not take it home with me because it cost too much. Then one of my friends pointed out a sign that said 50% off. Sold! We all called it the baby yarn because I was hugging it like it was a baby. The label said it was superwash but the socks still got really pill-y and I think there is a hole in the toe, so they have been well worn and well loved.
Oh and then I made these mittens out of Plymouth Encore I think. Here is where I learned how to do a Make 1 increase. It wasn't very hard but that didn't stop me from whining about it.
So there you go. I posted. Hopefully it won't be another year before I post again. As soon as I take some more pictures we can talk about the baby knitting I have been doing, and also the great fingerless glove debacle. See ya.