EAT-- Well, Leo's high school graduation was a week ago. It was great, I am a proud mom!
So my ex, Leo's dad Dana came up for several days, and it seems like all we did was go out to eat! I went to more restaurants in four days than I do in four months! And although I tried to make good choices, I did not always.
For the record, I only ate two of the six abelskivers I got with my breakfast. In the end, there were just too many points eaten, and that showed up at my weigh-in yesterday in the form of 1.6 pounds. I am glad that not every week is like last week, and I am not stressing about gaining. Life comes as it comes, and this weight loss journey is for life, so I am living it and moving on.
KNIT-- In between all this eating, I have been knitting a bit as well. I made this hat for myself for this coming winter.
Loved the pattern, and it was a fun and fast knit. I love knitting hats, they are a knitter's form of instant gratification! I am also working on two baby dresses and a pair of slippers. The dresses are for this little girl:

My great-grandniece Tianna! She is a couple of weeks old now and I can't wait to meet her when I go to California in August. She is so going to rock these cute little dresses I am knitting! Okay, moving on.
BIKE-- The Land Sharks have been having fun!
Look, they even named a beer after us! I have been trying to ride my bike as often as possible, but we have had a lot of rain the past couple of weeks. I made up for it by going on a 13 mile ride yesterday. I joined my friends on the Centennial Trail by the Spokane Valley Mall, and rode all the way out to the Liberty Lake farmer's market! The trail goes along the river, and it was a beautiful and at times challenging ride.
We are so lucky in Spokane to have bike trails through such great natural beauty, it makes me happy! There is talk of riding the Route of the Hiawatha, and the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes. I can't wait!
So in summary, my life is great! I love my friends and I love summer! Everyone go out there and have some fun!
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