Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tales From The Closet

So I have now lost 33 pounds in 5 months. This has resulted in a lot of my clothes becoming too big for me. Yesterday the pants I wore to work had to be pulled up to right under my bra!  I joked that I was wearing old man pants, but I was self conscious all day.  Something had to be done.  So last night I went clothes shopping with my friend Cari. I tried on some pants, but I didn't like the way they fit.  Shirts were even worse.  They are too big on the top and too tight at the bottom. I am not losing weight proportionately, and this is a problem.  I did find one shirt that I liked well enough to buy, In another 5 or so pounds it should fit better.  Assuming I lose that 5 pounds from around my hips and not my boobs.  In the end, I ordered the  same kind of pants I always order online, just one size smaller. We will see how that goes.
So then last night after I got home from shopping I went into my closet and tried on nearly every pair of pants that was in there. I ended up throwing away over 20 pairs of pants that were too worn out to donate.  Some were too big, others were just worn out.  I feel better about going into my closet now, not so confused.  Hopefully I will lose weight in such a way that clothes will start to look better on me.  The journey continues...

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